Explore the planet from the comfort of your classroom
Based on real-life expeditions to the world’s rainforests, mountains and polar regions, Explorer Academy workshops take pupils on a journey to some of the remotest corners of the planet, all without leaving the school premises. Specifically designed to dovetail with the Key Stage 2 curriculum, our visually stunning programmes aim to captivate, educate and entertain, creating engaging and memorable experiences for young people, whilst still retaining a focus on learning.

Delivered by genuine expedition leaders and explorers, each workshop is a dynamic and fast-paced combination of cross-curricular learning and enrichment. Activity-based curriculum coverage includes aspects of Living things and their habitats, Evolution and inheritance, Animals including humans and Physical and human geography, whilst breathtaking high-resolution videos and photography encourage in pupils a sense of curiosity and fascination with the natural world.

The Rainforest Explorer workshop serves as a vibrant and exhilarating backdrop for Key Stage 2 year groups studying biomes, South America or life in the tropical rainforests.
The Mountain Explorer workshop provides an adrenaline-fuelled overview of life at high altitude, and is ideal for KS2 year groups studying the mountain environment.
The Maya Civilisation
The Maya Explorer workshop provides awe-inspiring content for Key Stage 2 pupils studying the Maya Civilisation, Mexico or the rainforests of Central America.
Polar regions
The Polar Explorer workshop serves as a fascinating and in-depth introduction to the Arctic and Antarctica. As such, it is ideal for any KS2 class or year group studying the polar regions, extreme environments or explorers and adventurers.